Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I'm back! Week 20 Result and New Goals

Week 20 Results... 

Week 16 weight (after vacation): 184.4 
Current weight (after 3 week faceboook challenge): 175
Weekly total: 9.4 pounds lost!!
All time total: 23.2 lost

Apparently super-focused accountability pays off!

(I couldn't get my act together enough to get a photo this week, so I'm aiming for next week :)

So, aside from stronger accountability my Facebook challenge used money as a motivator. Every week we didn't meet our goals we owed $5. That seemed to work really well for me so I'm going to adapt it for myself. 
Losing my family's money (even a little bit of it) makes me feel really guilty. I'm going to up the ante by saying that instead of weekly, every single time I break a goal I have to drop a $5 bill on the ground somewhere. This may seem silly or extreme but wonton waste of money really bothers me, making this a great motivator! 

On the flip side, for every week I perfectly complete my goals I will put $5 in an envelope toward a dress by Shop Stevie. A friend of mine just became a Rep and I've been drooling over the dresses ever since she announced her shop! It will take me around 10 weeks to earn a dress, and that is also around how long it will take me to reach my goal weight. 
I think celebrating reaching my ideal size with a new dress sounds fantastic! :D

Food Goals: Sticking to my allergy food diet (no dairy, eggs, or wheat) and eating 50g carbs per day or less. 
Exercise Goals: 3 days cardio for 30 minutes, 2 days strength training 30 minutes 

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