Friday, April 1, 2011

Household Binder

Ok, I've never actually "linked" my blog with anyone else's, but this event seems more than worth it! I've recently started following the I Heart Organizing blog and I must say I am both in love and far more organized. This past month her challenge was to create a household binder. This amazing lady whipped up printables for all of us to borrow FREE this month for our own binders. You can find them here: and be sure to check out those free printable before you must pay for them on 4/9/11!!!

loved this challenge!!! Getting all our important info in one place makes so much sense, and it's pretty :) To be honest though, anything I show you will be a copy cat of what you can find through the above link... except this!

If you would like a copy for boys click here.

If you would like a copy for girls click here.

*Please note that they won't look like the above pics until you download them. Also, be sure to select only pages 1 of 1 when you go to print*

For quite sometime I've wanted to create an inventory for my children's "grow-in-to" clothing that I have put away. This will *hopefully* prevent me from finding a "great deal" on something we already have and buying duplicates :) I can also keep track of what they do need and watch for a cute and inexpensive version before I'm buying on a need-basis. And, (because I am hopelessly anal when it comes to making even the smallest things easy on the eyes) I did my best to have my template "flow" with the other downloads from i heart organizing.

Have fun organizing!!!


Bethany said...

your is much prettier, I have done that for my kids cloths as well, but I did it on a index card and put it in my purse that I have it with me when I am out shopping or garage saling it!! Great idea!

Emily S said...

Ooooh, I really like this idea! Great for keeping track of things like swimsuits and winter coats you can buy on clearance in the off season without buying extras! Great job!

Deviantly Domesticated Team

Ginny said...

Thanks, I love this!

samone said...

Thankyou - what a great idea! With 3 kiddies Ill be surely adding this to my Binder!

Jennifer said...

Hi, I only just found out about the binders so haven't created one myself but decided to peruse around and see what everyone came up with and get some great ideas!

I really like the addition of tracking the boys clothes-thanks for that idea :)